TOraAlerter class overview.
Name | Description |
Active (inherited from TDAAlerter) |
Used to determine if TDAAlerter waits for messages.
AutoCommit |
Used to specify whether the TOraAlerter object should commit transaction in its Session property after calling the SendEvent method to send a named message to an Oracle server.
AutoRegister (inherited from TDAAlerter) |
Used to automatically register events whenever connection opens.
Connection (inherited from TDAAlerter) |
Used to specify the connection for TDAAlerter.
Events |
Used to set the names of waiting alerts or pipes.
EventType |
Used to define the kind of messages used by the TOraAleter component.
Interval |
Specifies the time after which TOraAlerter starts waiting process.
Session |
Specifies the session for TOraAlerter to create an internal TOraSession object based on this session settings.
TimeOut |
Used to set the time for the TOraAlerter component to wait for a message.
Name | Description |
GetMessage |
NextItemType |
Returns the datatype of the next message found in the received named pipe local buffer.
NextMessageType |
Returns the datatype of the next message found in the received named pipe local buffer.
PackMessage |
Places messages into the named pipe local buffer.
PurgePipe |
Removes all incoming messages from the pipe's input buffer.
PutMessage |
Places messages into the named pipe local buffer.
SendEvent (inherited from TDAAlerter) |
Sends an event with Name and content Message.
SendMessage |
Sends a named pipe event to other listening sessions.
SendPipeMessage |
Sends a named pipe event to other listening sessions.
Start (inherited from TDAAlerter) |
Starts waiting process.
Stop (inherited from TDAAlerter) |
Stops waiting process.
UnpackMessage |
Retrieves messages from a named pipe local buffer.
Name | Description |
OnError (inherited from TDAAlerter) |
Occurs if an exception occurs in waiting process
OnEvent |
Occurs if a message is received by waiting process.
OnTimeOut |
Occurs if there were no messages during the TimeOut time.